

Type Less, Say More!

Transform the way you work with TextBloom, an innovative text expansion and clipboard management app designed to revolutionize your efficiency and productivity. Whether you’re drafting emails, creating documents, or managing complex data, our app streamlines your workflow with customizable text expansions. With a single keystroke, instantly access a world of formatted text options, tiered pricing calculations, and dynamic form fill-ins, tailored precisely to your needs. In addition to text expansion, TextBloom’s intuitive clipboard manager keeps your most important assets – text, images, files, and more – at your fingertips. Additionally, the app’s floating sidebar offers another level of convenience, allowing you to select and trigger expansions or paste content with ease.

Embrace a smarter way of working; save time, reduce repetitive typing, and focus on what truly matters. TextBloom isn’t just a tool; it’s your partner in achieving peak efficiency and unlocking your full potential.

What is TextBloom?

TextBloom has 4 types of Expansions

Normal Expansions – You type the trigger and it expands into plaintext/formatted text. It doesn’t get any simpler than that, but don’t confuse simple with unhelpful! Normal Expansions are a great way to ensure you never misspell content, you always have text (formatted or plain) snippets ready for use, and much more.

Tiered Pricing Expansions – When building a Tiered Pricing Expansion, you include a tiered pricing model and you include a variable in your expansion text that will be replaced with the correct resulting value based on the number included with the trigger.

Form Expansions – When creating your Form Expansion, you can include any number of placeholders. When you type in the trigger, a pop up window appears that allows you to fill in those placeholders, resulting in a completed expansion template.

Password Expansions – These are like Normal Expansions, but they’re encrypted and require you to enter your system password/fingerprint before populating the password. These are great for passwords, account info, API keys, and anything else that you need to quickly access but shouldn’t be easily accessed by others.

TextBloom also includes a Clipboard Manager

TextBloom stores everything you copy, allowing you to quickly recall and paste any item in your history. You can also trigger a pop up, showing your clipboard history. Clicking on an item will immediately paste the item.

Head over to our Features page to see a complete breakdown!

How does TextBloom help boost efficiency?

TextBloom fits nicely within a diverse set of workflows, but here are a few concrete examples of how TextBloom can save time and make you more efficient:

Account Executives, Customer Success Reps, SDRs, and others who are constantly emailing their prospective and current clients are inevitably going to be typing out the same content over and over again.

Let’s look at a real world example: sending documentation to a current client. Instead of manually tracking down the proper documentation links each time, copying one at a time to add each one to your email, you can create a Normal Expansion for each collection of links you need.

Sales Engineers, Solutions Architects, and other technical roles constantly find themselves working with CLI, and it can be hard to memorize every single command you might need (and let’s not even get started on how annoying CLI is for those of us who are always mistyping).

With TextBloom, you can set up Normal Expansions for lengthy commands to ensure you don’t misspell anything. You can also set up Form Expansions, allowing you to pop up a window and select one of the many CLI commands associated with your trigger.

Another key benefit everyone who uses a Mac can take advantage of is the Clipboard Manager. TextBloom keeps a history of everything you copy, which means you never need to worry about losing copied content when copying something else, and you can quickly paste any item in your clipboard history why quickly pulling up a pop up window and clicking on any item you want to paste.

Where can I purchase TextBloom?

TextBloom is currently $5.99/year through the MacOS App Store